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Natural-WE Community Statement of Healing and Liberation


Natural-WE Community stands in solidarity for Black Liberation and healing. WE use our emotions to fuel the fire within us to continue building our strong community. WE encourage the unification of our people in the struggle for freedom. As boycotts are organized, marches continue, and the quest for freedom continues, WE encourage all who feel the call to participate in strategic action so that our collective voice will be heard.  WE will be diligent in educating, uplifting and empowering ourselves. WE will not get discouraged! WE will keep fighting and keep the fire within burning strong! The marathon to liberation is multi-faceted and all must play their role. If you must march, march for justice. If you must sing, sing for freedom. Lawyers, doctors, healers, organizers, educators, fundraisers, WE need you. Our people need you.


Let us come together and be the Community WE are. Support Black-owned businesses. Donate to Black organizations. WE have nothing to lose, but so much to gain:  Mental Liberation. Spiritual Liberation. Psychological Liberation. Cultural Liberation. and Physical Liberation. WE will win!  WE will Win! WE WILL WIN! And when WE have won, WE will be MORE than Well.

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